What many people don't know, is that I also create headdresses. For today's blog post, I will be discussing the process of making an antler headdress. I was inspired to create my own headdress after watching world renowned belly dancer, Zoe. In Zoe's performance, she was wearing a very large antler headdress. She flowed across the dance floor with grace, precision and most importantly with balance. The headdress was sparkly, she looked like a warrior, but in performance.
I purchased the antlers on eBay from a hunter. I won three of them for under $30, including tax and shipping. In order to keep the antlers in place and keep them from not dangling, they needed to be attached to a leather strap. I visited Olvera Street in Los Angeles and commissioned a leather artist for a leather strap specifically sized for my head. He gave me leather strings to tie the headband.
Next, I needed to saw the antlers down. I went to Home Depot and asked one of the men to saw them for me. To my surprise, the antlers were hollow and easy to saw off. I put two holes in the leather strap and I used an electrical screwdriver to attach the antlers to the leather. Once they were in place, I used E6000 glue to set them in.
I wanted to decorate my headband and I decided to use pink silk flowers. I bought them at my local Micheal's. I bought enough to fill in the leather from showing. I had a bird skull from the Salton Sea that was given to me as a gift and I added this piece in the middle. I glued the flowers and the skull. VIOLA! I officially had my own version of Zoe's infamous antler headdress!